
The Pastor.jpg 友人信義宗噗客介紹一本由美國費城路德神學院退休教授Gordon W. Lathrop寫的The Pastor: A Spirituality 。買下之後,一直沒機會讀,最近拿起來翻閱,被其內容吸引住。書中特點之一,談牧者的角色,有其聖經與教會歷史發展根據,談起來紮實不虛。提供很多讓作為牧者的我反思與提醒的點。


Renowned liturgical theologian Gordon Lathrop has composed a rich, meditative, and explicitly ecumenical spirituality for working pastors – whatever and wherever they are called: preachers, priests, elders, ministers, seminarians.

In Part One Lathrop urges pastors to become lifelong students of the Lord's Prayer, the Apostle's Creed, and the Commandments, continually inhabiting the questions, reversals and paradoxes of Christian life.

In Part Two he elaborates on the pastor's chief activities – presiding at the holy table, preaching, collecting for the poor – "as the center and focus for pastoral identity and spirituality." Lathrop invites pastors to recenter their busy lives on God and fuel their ministry through prayer.


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