
黃彰輝新書  新書封面  簽名    早上到總會參加張瑞雄牧師撰寫有關黃彰輝牧師的英文版新書發表會。由下屆新任總幹事林芳仲牧師主持,總會議長布興牧師致詞,會中邀請黃牧師之前的學生:翁修恭牧師、楊啟壽牧師、王南傑牧師,以及台南神學院院長王崇堯牧師等人發表感言,最後由作者張牧師總結。個人最有收穫是從翁牧師的分享中獲得,他提到黃牧師很會栽培學生,替學生找獎學金,但是到後來,很多學生都滯留海外,沒有回台灣教會打拼。我替黃牧師的不甘願神學下註腳,就是他對這些學生感到遺憾....另外一點是他的創新神學思想,不是憑空想像,而是與地方教會結合。王南傑牧師也提到當時是神學院帶領地方教會事工推展,這都與現況神學院與地方教會有很大落差。不禁要問,長老教會新世紀的先知何在?不要都是走在社會後面的教會事工與觀點,更不要走在教會後面,沒血沒肉的神學院。

Shoki Coe: An Ecumenical Life in Context, ISBN: 2825415626, World Council of Churches (WCC Publications) (June 2012)

by Jonah Chang

Shoki Coe (1914-1988) was a pastor of the Taiwan Presbyterian Church who grew up in Japanese-occupied Taiwan and went on to become a champion of Taiwanese freedom, a pioneer of Asian theology, and an advocate of Christianity in the global south. This is his story, well researched and engagingly written by Jonah Chang. Coe was educated under Japanese rule and went to Cambridge for his ministerial education. He was involved in the ecumenical movement from the early 1950s, became a seminary president in Taiwan and championed a contextual approach to ministry and mission. He served from 1965 to 1979 with the Theological Education Fund, where his deep influence helped to change the paradigm for theology and ministry internationally. Coe's story documents not only the growth and maturity of the world-wide ecumenical movement and the navigation of East-West and North-South tensions but also the birth and legitimation of a distinctly contextual approach to world Christianity. This is translated from the Chinese.


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